We are providing childcare support (Babysitting, Prenatal & Postnatal Housekeeping Service, Sick Childcare Service) mainly in Kasugai City and Nagoya City.

The environment surrounding modern families with children is diverse.
While there is the joy of raising children and the joy of growing up, there are also many worries and hardships.
Childcare is like a 24-hour, 365-day job. So don’t work too hard!
When you’re in trouble or tired, why not rely on a little professional help?
The Japanese idiom word “Toranoko (tiger cub)” comes from the way a mother tiger loves and cares for her cubs so much in wild.
We promise to provide safe and secure childcare support, as loving as a mother tiger🐯
Service Menu
- Babysitting
2600 yen/hour +1000 yen as arrange charge- Prenatal & Postnatal Housekeeping Service
2600 yen/hour +1000 yen as arrange charge- Sick Childcare Service
(not in service – available from middle of 2024)